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KLook: a KDE version of Mac OS X's Quick Look

Klook is a Quick Look like for KDE e.v. Here is how I run it on my Slackware64-current. Note that it requires KDE 4.9.x. Download Klook source from kde playground Build Klook from the source Create slackware package Install Klook package Patch dolphin As I use alien KDE v4.9.1, download all the slackbuild tree (dont need to download all the apps source). Put the patch on the patch/kde-baseapps edit patch/kde-base.

Control laptop from Nokia N900 trough bluemaemo

Edit HAM package repository Add extras-testing and extras-devel repository. Install bluemaemo + dependencies from console/shell: apt-get install libeet1=1.2.2+svn41533-maemo1 apt-get install bluemaemo et voila, next is configure and pair maemo and the laptop. =-=-=-=-= Powered by Blogilo

Touring Bromo

Picasa Web Albums: Touring Bromo Desc: Touring Bromo Location: Malang, Poncokusumo, Bromo =-=-=-=-= Powered by Blogilo

Export Contacts From Nokia N900 to Acer Liquid A1 Android 2.2

This can be an awful things to get an Android phone be able to import all of our contacts on another devices, except you want to buy a non-free software. This is a step-by-step procedure that I did to get my Android has the same contacts with my Nokia N900: Export all contacts on Nokia N900 using phonebook app. As the result, there will be numerous .vcf files, means it separated per contact.

Change Default Firefox Shortcut Next Tab & Previous Tab

Why? The default shortcut for navigating opened tab in Firefox isn’t friendly enough for me, as Thinkpad user, since its Page Up and Page Down on the keyboard is “far” enough for my finger to reach. As a ‘loyal’ KDE user, I feel comfort already with Konsole’s default shortcut for navigating Tab, that’s by using Shift+Left Arrow/Right Arrow. What’s next? Googling around, I found keyconfig, a Firefox extension to change keyboard shortcut (What the.

Fixing Low Sound on Linux Laptop Speaker

OS+Env: Slackware64-Current Hardware: Lenovo Thinkpad T420i Problem: Sound is working, but it isn’t loud enough Solution: Create a file /etc/asound.conf and paste this config: pcm.!default { type plug slave.pcm "softvol" } pcm.softvol { type softvol slave { pcm "dmix" } control { name "Pre-Amp" card 0 } min_dB -5.0 max_dB 20.0 resolution 6 } Restart ALSA (/etc/rc.d/rc.alsa restart) and there should be a new mixer channel called pre-amp in the mixer software (kmix/alsamixer).

a Trip to Lombok Island

Picasa Web Albums: Lombok Island Desc: Liburan ke Pulau Lombok, Dosen dan Karyawan POLTEKOM - 2012 Location: Lombok Island

Fixing Crossover Menu Missing on KDE4 Slackware

OS+Env:Slackware Linux -Current+KDE 4.5 Problem: CrossOver menu tidak tampil di KDE Application launcher Solution: Jalankan command berikut /opt/cxoffice/bin/cxmenu --crossover --install re-login KDE session jika belum tampil.. =-=-=-=-= Powered by Blogilo

Install Google Picasa 3.9 on Slackware Linux Fixing Login Issues

Intro: Google telah merilis versi terbaru dari Google Picasa yaitu versi 3.9. Versi ini menawarkan berbagai fitur baru, diantaranya adalah ditambahkannya berbagai macam effect yang siap pakai seperti vignetting,softing,etc, dan ditanbahkannya menu integrasi dengan Google+ [1]. Yang sangat disayangkan adalah belum dirilisnya versi 3.9 untuk platform Linux, sehingga banyak sekali pengguna Linux yang berusaha untuk memasang Google Picasa versi Windows dengan bantuan wine. Problem: Installasi di Slackware Linux dengan menggunakan CrossOver berjalan mulus.

Fixing NFS error: "clnt_create: RPC: Program not registered" on Openfiler

Intro: Setelah meng-upgrade Openfiler dengan perintah conary updateall, NFS server tidak bisa diakses di Linux client dengan pesan error “clnt_create: RPC: Program not registered”. Padahal service portmap sudah dijalankan terlebih dahulu sebelum service NFS. Problem: rpc.mountd tidak berjalan karena portmap bentrok dengan rpcbind Solusi: Stop NFS service dkk dan jalankan pada saat booting: service nfslock stop service nfs stop service portmap stop service rpcbind stop chkconfig rpcbind on chkconfig nfs on chkconfig nfslock on Disable portmap service saat booting: