With this command, I don’t need a super user privileges like vbetool does. We had to make sure that DPMS is enabled in X. And then using xset command to configure DPMS like:

xset dpms force off

I replace my old command in xbindkeysrc:

bowo@pcxthinkslack:~$ diff /tmp/xbindkeysrc ~/.xbindkeysrc
< "/usr/local/bin/toogle-lcd-state.sh"
> #"/usr/local/bin/toogle-lcd-state.sh"
> "/usr/bin/xset dpms force off"

Update /etc/sudoers.d/01_bowo by commenting out this line %users ALL=NOPASSWD:/usr/sbin/vbetool and delete /usr/local/bin/toogle-lcd-state.sh

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