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Drawing again: KDE start here Humanity icon

A modified version of KDE Logo start-here. Almost in orange, inspired by Ubuntu Humanity Icon. Final result: =-=-=-=-= Powered by Blogilo

Drawing new Audacious systray icon to match plasma desktop Ambiance theme

I modified original Audacious systray icon to match Ambiance theme on my current plasma-desktop. Tool used: Inkscape. Here is the result: When it lives in system tray: =-=-=-=-= Powered by Blogilo

Change graph color on system monitor plasmoid

Open-source is fun. This time I want to get my desktop colored a little. By modifying plasma-system-monitor source code and split it into several plasmoid such as personal cpu monitor, personal ram monitor. (inspired by plasma drive IO monitor). This is the final look of my top panel: From the left to the right (the plotted graph): CPU monitor, swap monitor, RAM monitor, net monitor, disk IO monitor. Next project is improving it by adding click event so it will start krunner System Activity when the user click on it.

Thinkpad Thinklight control from KDE panel

I added this line to my rc.local to allow normal user to control thinklight trough sysfs bowo@pcxthinkslack:~$ tail /etc/rc.d/rc.local -n2 # allow normal user to turn thinklight off/on trough shell chmod 666 /sys/class/leds/tpacpi::thinklight/brightness Create shell script to control thinklight from sysfs. When called, it will turn thinklight on/off bowo@pcxthinkslack:~$ cat /usr/local/bin/ #!/bin/bash echo `cat /sys/class/leds/tpacpi::thinklight/brightness | grep -c 0` > /sys/class/leds/tpacpi::thinklight/brightnes Just for fun, I create also thinklight svg icon using inkscape :) and create thinklight.

Install Dolphin APK thumbnailer

Download source code here root@pcxthinkslack:/tmp# src2pkg /home/bowo/Desktop/156421-kde-thumbnailer-apk-1.0.tar.bz2 root@pcxthinkslack:/tmp# mv 156421-kde-thumbnailer-apk-1.0-x86_64-1.txz /home/bowo/Packages/tgz/kde-thumbnailer-apk-1.0-x86_64-1pcx.txz root@pcxthinkslack:/tmp# installpkg /home/bowo/Packages/tgz/kde-thumbnailer-apk-1.0-x86_64-1pcx.txz And.. hey it works !! =-=-=-=-= Powered by Blogilo

Just a modified Kppp icon

Nothing serious here, just replace some kppp icon to match Ambiance theme in my Desktop. Here is the screenshot: Modem image source: =-=-=-=-= Powered by Blogilo

When Slackware got Ubuntu Lucid style

Getting bored with the default Air plasma-desktop theme, I changed several appearance of KDE to look like Ubuntu Lucid. It was during my internship at VALORIA that I have used Ubuntu Lucid for the first time. So here is what I’ve done so far with my KDE. This cool desktop environment is really highly customizable. KDM theme: KDE splash screen: KWin theme: Plasma desktop theme: Cursor theme: Style: Color: Icon: Fonts: Desktop 1: Desktop 2: =-=-=-=-=

Workaround: broken font rendering Ksnapshot & Krunner

Fonts look weird in ksnapshot. After investigating around, I found that the problem is called kerning. It is indeed didn’t noticable for some people. To solve this problem, I force ksnapshot to use raster graphics system instead of native. $ ksnapshot -graphicssystem raster Here is the comparison, left image is using native, the right one is using raster. Look at the button more precisly. Do you notice it? Luckily I noticed it.

Oxygen font v0.2 New Eyecandy for my KDE Desktop

The new looking of Oxygen font (v0.2) is quite different with the previous one. Just grab it from here and enjoy the power of open source. A screenshot is worth thousand words: =-=-=-=-= Powered by Blogilo

KDE Plasmoid Kuota Paket Data Tri

Berawal dari ketidak praktisan membuka url, untuk melihat sisa quota internet, saya iseng2 membuat plasmoid widget (KDE4). Prinsip kerja plasmoid ini kira2 begini (bayangan awal saya) Ambil url gambar sisa quota yang ada dihalaman Buka url gambar tadi diplasmoid Sederhana..! Plasmoid widget dapat dibuat dengan berbagai macam pilihan bahasa pemrograman, saya coba pake favorit saya, python. Algoritma nya kira2 begini: Pertama, cari alamat url dari gambar yang ada di internet.