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DIY: NSFAT USB cable power

Saatnya berkreasi… Beberapa penampakan dari New SmartFren Android Tablet (NSFAT) USB cable power bikinan sendiri. Langkah-langkah, rincian biaya, dan benchmark menyusul (kalo sempet ngupdate) :D at least, it works! =-=-=-=-= Powered by Blogilo

Trik: Menghubungkan New SmartFren Android dengan jaringan Adhoc

Sebenarnya ide ini muncul gara-gara di kota saya (Pontianak) belum dijangkau jaringan EVDO — yang dapat sinyal EVDO saja ‘katanya’ lemot, apalagi yang g dapat :=)) — Nah, karena kebetulan istri saya langganan internet dari provider sebelah (Thr**) yang notabene sudah support HSDPA (dan emang kenceng) akhirnya saya share saja ke NSFAT. Fitur yang sudah ada saat ini adalah wireless tether dari NSFAT, artinya NSFAT yang membuat jaringan Ad-hoc (bertindak seolah-olah master access point) kemudian perangkat-perangkat (nirkabel) lain terhubung ke NSFAT.

Per-application firewall on Linux

So, I tried to manage network packet per application because sometimes, my Akregator updates the RSS when I need a huge amount of network traffic. This is not real pain when I use network cable or on a fast internet access. But using a cellular network modem? It’s different story. The idea is using an application like Little Snitch on Mac OSX. There was –cmd-owner option in iptables to manage network packet per application.

Run Specific Command Before/After Suspend/Hibernate on Linux

Using bash sript that accept these arguments: suspend = called when system is going to suspend to ram (sleep) freeze = called when system is going to suspend to disk (hibernate) resume = called when system is wake-up from sleep thaw = called when system is wake-up from hibernate Here is an example of mine! root@pcxthinkslack:/home/bowo# cat /etc/pm/sleep.d/ #!/bin/bash case $1 in suspend|freeze) #suspending to RAM logger "suspend/freeze in action" ;; resume|thaw) #resume from suspend #set default parameter of mic led that is muted logger "resume/thaw in action" sudo chmod o+w /sys/devices/platform/thinkpad_acpi/leds/tpacpi::micmute/brightness echo 1 > /sys/devices/platform/thinkpad_acpi/leds/tpacpi::micmute/brightness sudo chmod o-w /sys/devices/platform/thinkpad_acpi/leds/tpacpi::micmute/brightness #restore mixer settings alsactl restore ;; *) ;; esac =-=-=-=-=

Kompilasi dan Instalasi Kernel Linux v3.0

Intro.. Postingan ini berisi dokumentasi tentang kompilasi dan installasi kernel Linux versi 3 yang telah saya coba di distro Slackware Linux, yang secara garis besar tidak ada perbedaan dengan kompilasi Linux kernel 2.x. Saat tulisan ini dibuat Slackware Linux (13.37) masih menggunakan kernel Linux versi, sedangkan untuk Slackware-current (28 Sept 2011) masih memakai kernel Linux versi Background.. Belum lama ini Linus Torvalds memutuskan untuk me-release kernel Linux terbaru yaitu versi 3 yang merupakan succesor dari kernel Linux versi 2.

Qu'est-ce Que Slackware Linux

Slackware Linux est un système d’exploitation conçu par deux objectifs: la facilité d’utilisation et la stabilité comme priorités absolues y compris le tout dernier logiciel populaire, offrant la simplicité et la facilité d’utilisation aux côtés de la flexibilité et de la puissance. Depuis sa première “version beta” en avril 1993 le projet Slackware Linux à produire vise le plus “UNIX-like” distribution de Linux.

Why you should try Slackware

Slackware is the oldest surviving Linux distribution, founded by Patrick Volkerding in July of 1993. From the onset, the operating system has maintaineslackwared a minimalist approach to computing. It is renowned for its speed and stability, due in part to the fundamental principle of keeping packages as vanilla as possible. Aside from essential patching, each package in Slackware is exactly as the developers intended. After all this time it is still a one man show, although Patrick has a team of loyal volunteers around him.

Configure GTK theme on KDE4

Since I prefer KDE for my desktop management, GTK application theme looks so ugly, it shows “grey” on Slackware Linux 13.0. I feels like back to 11 years ago :D. Whereas if I use Xfce, GTK application looks normal. So what’s the problem? Here we go, GTK application will read local configuration located on ~/.gtkrc or ~/.gtkrc-2.0 (for GTK2 application). So simply edit or make your config one. vim ~/.gtkrc-2.0 and add this line