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Nokia N900: Add a Reboot Button to the Quick Menu

When you press the power on/off-button, a quick-menu appears. It has poweroff, but no reboot. This can be easily fixed: Open /etc/systemui/systemui.xml in your favourite editor Remove the comment before the line “Reboot” down a few lines before the next menuitem. Save and reboot, and voila. You now have a reboot-button on your quick menu. =-=-=-=-= Powered by Blogilo

Control laptop from Nokia N900 trough bluemaemo

Edit HAM package repository Add extras-testing and extras-devel repository. Install bluemaemo + dependencies from console/shell: apt-get install libeet1=1.2.2+svn41533-maemo1 apt-get install bluemaemo et voila, next is configure and pair maemo and the laptop. =-=-=-=-= Powered by Blogilo

Export Contacts From Nokia N900 to Acer Liquid A1 Android 2.2

This can be an awful things to get an Android phone be able to import all of our contacts on another devices, except you want to buy a non-free software. This is a step-by-step procedure that I did to get my Android has the same contacts with my Nokia N900: Export all contacts on Nokia N900 using phonebook app. As the result, there will be numerous .vcf files, means it separated per contact.

Test Blogging From Maemo Device

This is my blogging test using MaStory from Maemo @ Nokia N900. It has rich features such as integrated pictures uploader from Picasa Web Album and Flickr too. I tested to embed one of my photo from Picasa Album. It needs that xml-rpc service enabled, in WordPress settings, to get blogging work from MaStory.