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Nokia N900: Add a Reboot Button to the Quick Menu

When you press the power on/off-button, a quick-menu appears. It has poweroff, but no reboot. This can be easily fixed: Open /etc/systemui/systemui.xml in your favourite editor Remove the comment before the line “Reboot” down a few lines before the next menuitem. Save and reboot, and voila. You now have a reboot-button on your quick menu. =-=-=-=-= Powered by Blogilo

Test Blogging From Maemo Device

This is my blogging test using MaStory from Maemo @ Nokia N900. It has rich features such as integrated pictures uploader from Picasa Web Album and Flickr too. I tested to embed one of my photo from Picasa Album. It needs that xml-rpc service enabled, in WordPress settings, to get blogging work from MaStory.

Nokia N900 Panorama Shots

Picasa Web Album: Nokia N900 Panorama Desc: Some panorama shots taken by Nokia N900 with QuickPanorama Location: Vannes-France